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Animal Rights Groups' unwarranted attack on treatment of cows in India

Some animal rights parties are creating unnecessary ruckus around treatment of cows in India. However, they fail to understand cultural & socio-economic elements surrounded with dairy farming in India and shooting the wrong target.

They need to understand that there is strong cultural bonding of cows with humans in Indian society and cows are considered part of the family and even above that, considered as God with relevance of 33 crore Gods residing in cows to Kamdhenu, the never-ending stream of wealth.

Further, in India we dont have corporate farms like other developed countries with more than 3000 cows kept purely for milk production and 'milked' to the extreme. Here, dairying is complimentary to agriculture. A typical farmer would have small piece of land, growing agri produce, selling grains in the market and feeding the straws to cows. Therefore, giving rise to conversion of farm waste into value-added product like milk and making Indian farmer a low-cost producer of milk. Average herd holding per farmer in India is around 2 cows and this is the only income which is realised by him on daily basis, helping him meet the day-to-day expenses.

While we have utmost respect to vegans and animal rights activists, they need to be equally sensitive around above aspects.

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